Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Racists, watch what you post. You never know when 40K Decent Americans will decide that you're unsafe in the workplace

Pictured: Kenny, Insurance Agent who got himself fired.  

This article both is an apt description White Privilege and "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong." 

Even as the author's followers increased from 3,000 to over 40k and they started collecting info about his employer, still he talked shit and even threatened rape,  shooting and finally implying that he was asking for a rope to lynch her. 

All the while Kat's followers were bombarding New York Life Insurance's national homepage with screenshots, he kept up the hate talk! 

When NYL wised up and set up an internal investigation resulting in his ignorant ass getting fired, still he wouldn't let it go, not only going as far as threatening Kat Blaque's whole family, he even tried to get his own friends & family to go on a charm offensive! Understandably, his family were disgusted and ashamed by his behavior. Only his sister had his back, claiming that he was joking about the rape threats "he's just like that" and that Kat & her followers should "be nicer" to poor, poor Kenny. You can guess how that went over! 

But wait, tragically enough, there's more!!

I found this story so fascinating because I follow Getting Racists Fired on Tumblr and Yes, That's Racist and other websites that are there purely to belittle and demean the Igno-rants among us.

A MESSAGE TO RACIST FOLK:  Feel free to take potshots at others, but stop forgetting that people can also google up your ass and find out where you work and have no qualms about getting you fired with your own hateful words.

Non-Racists:  sit back and enjoy the schadenfreude.

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