Friday, December 2, 2011

Welcome Back To The Fillmore!

It used to be like Where The Wild Things Are. Tonight, it's where the dinosaur roam.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Dream Gown Circa 1986

The adorable Cristina Ricci (I still see the little doll from Mermaids!) in a dress I would have loved to owned back in the day, at the MET Gala last night in NYC.

Source -

This will be one of the saddest posts of the day.

Mummified body of former Playboy playmate Yvette Vickers found in her Benedict Canyon home

VickersYvette Vickers, an early Playboy playmate whose credits as a B-movie actress included such cult films as “Attack of the 50-Foot Woman” and “Attack of the Giant Leeches,” was found dead last week at her Benedict Canyon home. Her body appears to have gone undiscovered for months, police said.

Vickers, 82, had not been seen for a long time. A neighbor discovered her body in an upstairs room of her Westwanda Drive home on April 27. Its mummified state suggests she could have been dead for close to a year, police said.

The official cause of death will by determined by the Los Angeles county coroner's office, but police said they saw no sign of foul play.

Vickers had lived in the 1920s-era stone and wood home for decades, and it served as the background for some of her famous modeling pictures. But over time it had become dilapidated, exposed in some places to the elements.

Susan Savage, an actress, went to check on Vickers after noticing old letters and cobwebs in her elderly neighbor's mailbox.

"The letters seemed untouched and were starting to yellow," Savage said. "I just had a bad feeling."

After pushing open a barricaded front gate and scaling a hillside, Savage peered through a broken window with another piece of glass taped over the hole. She decided to enter the house after seeing a shock of blond hair, which turned out to be a wig.

The inside of the home was in disrepair and it was hard to move through the rooms because boxes containing what appeared to be clothes, junk mail and letters formed barriers, Savage said. Eventually, she made her way upstairs and found a room with a small space heater still on.

She was looking at a cordless phone that appeared to have been knocked off its cradle when she first saw the body on the floor, she said. Savage had known Vickers but the remains were unrecognizable, she said.

She remembered her neighbor as an elegant women in a broad straw hat, dressed in white, with flowing blond hair and "a warm smile."

"She kept to herself, had friends and seemed like a very independent spirit," Savage said. "To the end she still got cards and letter from all over the world requesting photos and still wanting to be her friend."

Savage said the neighbors felt terrible.

"We've all been crying about this," she said. "Nobody should be left alone like that."

Source - LA,

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Barack Obama IS Having The Best Week Ever!

Hey Bush, Where Did You Leave That "Mission Accomplished" Banner?


A 31-year old pimp started grooming a young Honor Student for prostitution at the age of 11. At age 16, she murdered his worthless ass, and was sentenced to life without parole. At the time this video was shot, she was 29. That pimp would've received less than 13 years for killing her, but since he only destroyed her childhood, she's in prison for life. Does anyone else see the disparity here?

I, for one, am sick and tired of it being Open Season on Women and Children! If she had been a boy in a gang and murdered someone else's child (of color), they never would have taken her out of Juvie. Her judge was clearly biased against her in more than just a judicial way.

She admits that she did wrong and definitely deserves to be punished. I agree, but I also believe she has done her time, and society owes something to this tragic soul while she's still young enough to do something useful in her life.

Source: World Star HipHop - guess the story wasn't important enough (0r she wasn't) to garner notice from the MSM.

The President Killed at the WH Correspondence Dinner!

Seth Meyers was "capital F" Funny, but President Obama killed! I loved watching Trump having to sit there at the Faux table with his boo-boo face and pretend the POTUS wasn't up there making a mockery of his whole existence.

Meanwhile, The Prez is in for it for making that crack about The First Lady "snatching" bags of candy from children. But here, my favorite blogger Dlisted's Michael K has all the news worth knowing:

At last night's White House Correspondents dinner, basic cable reality stars (see: Sarah Palin), actors of The CW (see: Ian Somerhalder) and half-shaven comedic teddy bears (see: Zach Galifnotgoingtogooglerightnow) sprayed their pits with fancy water to nibble on overcooked filet mignon and flambe their creme brulee desserts on the hot flame that shot out of Donald Trump's dehydrated hairy toad asshole when Obama verbally double slapped him in the mouth over and over again. Watching a direct descendant of one of Jaba the Hutt's hemorrhoids sit there with a mad scowl on his face is what would consider as feel good porn. Trump got trumped and I'm sure even the lone sparkle in my rhinestone heart named Melania Trump let out a laugh or two. Melania later told her sugar daddy that she wasn't laughing, she was letting out a Slovenian boo.

As Obama poked at Trump with a LOL stick for that birth certificate ridiculousness, he just sat there with constipated smile on his face and squirmed like Melania whenever he gives her the "it's about that time to fulfill paragraph 5, line 10 of your marriage contract" sex look. I mean, the dumb douche could've let out a fake laugh or two to show that he's sort of a good sport, but he just had himself a pouty party for one instead. I really can't wait to see how the Trump responds. He already used all of his "miserable fat cow"lines on Rosie O'Donnell, so I'm sure he'll just say that Obama tells jokes like a Kenyan.

Click here
if you want to see Obama's full act (and click here for Seth Meyers' speech).


Friday, April 29, 2011

What A Stupid Hat

The Hell Was She Thinking?? She reminds me of the bunny with a pancake on his head:

The Other Elephant In The Room

For Birthers, Obama's Not Black Enough

What a F*cking Loser.

Football Player Accused of Harassment Says He "Doesn't Even Like Black Girls.


Lawd ha'mercy even Jade is coming back.

OMG, died and gone to heaven: ANTM All Stars


Racism Is So Yesterday, Bring On The Class War!

This article actually ties things together in a weird way for me. Mr. Hari contends that the UK should be ashamed for judging someone in a positive light (The Windsors) based on circumstance of birth; while here in America, Our President has been judged harshly based on the circumstance of his birth.

And get this, the author calls himself a Republican (UK) and I believe him. Why can't OUR Republicans make this kind of sense?

"In most countries, parents can tell their kids that if they work hard and do everything right, they could grow up to be the head of state and symbol of their nation. Not us. Our head of state is decided by one factor, and one factor alone: did he pass through the womb of one aristocratic Windsor woman living in a golden palace? The US head of state grew up with a mother on food stamps. The British head of state grew up with a mother on postage stamps. Is that a contrast that fills you with pride?"

In the U.S., some Whites would most likely say, The Grass Is Always Greener. Some Blacks would refer to this as WPP, or White People Problems. Stay with me now, it gets deeper.

No, it's not the biggest problem we have. But it does have a subtly deforming effect on Britain's character that the ultimate symbol of our country, our sovereign, is picked on the most snobbish criteria of all: darling, do you know who his father was? Kids in Britain grow up knowing that we all bow and curtsy in front of a person simply because of their unearned, uninteresting bloodline. This snobbery subtly soaks out through the society, tweaking us to be deferential to unearned and talentless wealth, simply because it's there.

Meanwhile in America, Our President is constantly disparaged and disrespected because of What Race his father was.

We live with a weird cognitive dissonance in Britain. We are always saying we should be a meritocracy, but we shriek in horror at the idea that we should pick our head of state on merit. Earlier this month, David Cameron lamented that too many people in Britain get ahead because of who their parents are. A few minutes later, without missing a beat, he praised the monarchy as the best of British. Nobody laughed.

What this article has shown me is this: Americans, we're trailing behind England, who we broke from! We need to settle this racism crap and get going on the Class War (already in progress)!

It's been a tough week to be an American With Melanin. Here are some links from much better writers than myself on the true State of Our Union. Peace.

Yesterday, I wrote a diatribe to the MSM about my fury at having to watch the President of the United States present his free papers to Donald Trump and the birthers. I was righteous as I pulled my rusty pitchfork out of thegarden shed and went to town on the MSM. Oh, it felt good to have the fury burn through me.